
The Agent-Environment Interface

[source: sutton]

Markov Decision Process

[source: wikipedia]

  • Because of the Markov property, the optimal policy for this particular problem can indeed be written as a function of s only, as assumed above.

  • Markov Reward Process (MRP) = MDP + a fixed policy

Value Function

[source: udacity]

Action-Value Function

[source: udacity]

VI vs. PI

  • VI is PI with one step of policy evaluation.
  • PI converges surprisingly rapidly, however with expensive computation, i.e. the policy evaluation step (wait for convergence of V^π).
  • PI is preferred if the action set is large.

Asynchronous Dynamic Programming

  • The value function table is updated asynchronously.
  • Computation is significantly reduced.
  • If all states are updated infinitely, convergence is still guaranteed.
  • Three simple algorithms:
    • Gauss-Seidel Value Iteration
    • Real-time dynamic programming
    • Prioritised sweeping