Value Function Approximation


  • Tabular methods use discrete space
  • This might be infeasible for big environments
  • It is basically ML

Supervised Learning Formulation

To use RL with this we need to find a parameter vector that represents the data. This can be achieved with supervised learning. We need to minimize the error of the parametrized value function V(s;θ):

This can be done analytically with the partial derivative gradient:

Estimating Target Value

The target value might not be the true value of but a noisy version of it.


TD lambda gradient-descent

Here V is implicitly a function of θ


  • Least-Squares Policy Iteration
  • source:
  • RL for control
  • model-free
  • off-policy
  • uses LSTD (Least-Squares Temporal-Difference)
  • separation of sample collection and solution
function LSPI-TD(D, π0)
  π' <- π0
    π <- π'
    Q <- LSTDQ(π, D)
    for add s in S do  # simple greedy policy based on Q
       π'(s) <- argmax Q(s, a)
  until π ~ π'
  return π